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The Sting of Ministry
Pastoral ministry is not for wimps and neither is beekeeping. Both endeavors have their own problems and pains. First, bee keeping is messy! Bees use a substance called propolis to glue stuff in their hives. Bees make the red resin-like material from the buds of cone-bearing trees. This stuff gets […]
Wednesday’s Word is a blog series about words associated with Christian theology. Today’s, August 23, 2017, Wednesday’s Word is Demon. The subject of demons seems to get much attention from Hollywood, but little attention in churches. Demons are a part of the Bible so we shouldn’t back away from speaking […]
Wednesday’s Word is a blog series about words associated with Christian theology. Today’s, August 16, 2017, Wednesday’s Word is Christian. Where did the word come from? The word “Christian” is a derivative of the Greek word “christos,” which means Christ. Followers of Jesus the Christ became known as Christians early […]
Wednesday’s Word: Beatitude Jesus preached the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount spans three (3) chapters in the book of Matthew, chapters five (5) through seven (7). The Beatitudes are found from Matt. 5:3-11. In most dictionaries “Beatitude” is translated as something like “extreme […]